David Hingston *96

4 Years Ago

Suggestion for a New Award

An article in the February 2021 issue reads:

“Several alumni petitions denounced Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ’92’s objections to the certification. ... On Jan. 7, Elise Harris ’92 began a petition for classmates. ... Alexandra Lebenthal ’86 ... called for Cruz to resign. ... Joshua Faires ’20’s petition for Princeton students, alumni, faculty, and staff ... called for condemnation but suggested measures such as Cruz's resignation, his recusal from further public office, and for Princeton to consider rescinding his degree.”

If possible, please add my name to Lebenthal ’86’s and Faires ’20’s petitions.  

However, believing as I do that Cruz won’t resign from the U.S. Senate unless forced to do so by Republican Senators, and that Princeton won’t rescind his degree, I have another suggestion:  

Princeton should create an award to be given only when an alumnus does something that 1,400 or more students, alumni, faculty, agree deserves rebuke.  

It need not be printed. A digital version should become part of the University’s permanent online archive.  

Awarded in recognition of especially disgusting behavior by an alumnus of Princeton University, the proposed award might be titled “Vomite Princetoniensis.”

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