Alex Randall ’73

5 Years Ago

Triangle Is Still Edgy

Re PAW’s history piece on the 1969 Triangle Club tour (posted at PAW Online Jan. 21): I was involved with that show, though I did not travel. Your characterization of the audience reaction is testament to the divisions in the country at that time. Nixon, Vietnam, the draft, and even coeducation were all hot topics. And some people held very strong views.

My hat is off to Bill Metzger ’71, who kept his cool, soothed bruised egos, listened to alumni, and ultimately made changes to the Triangle format that allowed it to survive and thrive. Triangle was not the only Princeton entity to struggle in those divisive times. Tiger magazine almost died that year. And other entities with long-storied histories were bereft of student involvement in the late years of the hippie era. Triangle thrives, and the shows continue to be edgy, jarring, surprising, and occasionally offensive. As they should be.

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