David Hohmann ’88

1 Month Ago

Tribute to Thara’s Sense of Purpose

A wonderful tribute to someone who never really sought the limelight. Thara’s own personal sense of urgency regarding sustainability and in particular climate footprint reductions for Reunions turns out to have been very well placed. Her time with us was limited. Carpe diem! And gratitude for her service to us all.

Sustainability progress is our gift to the future, a way for alumni to “pay it forward.” Baseline sustainability should be a prerequisite for any lasting University endowment investments. For without it, we shall not last much longer. All of life is interdependently relying upon a functioning healthy ecosystem. It’s time that everyone really take this to heart.

I sincerely hope that the Greening Reunions momentum to lead by example will continue despite some recent toxic political headwinds.

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