Beth Lampert Parks ’88

9 Months Ago

Why the 21st Century Cures Act Was Necessary

Many physicians — not only this essay writer — seem to think that it’s their right to “protect” patients and families from receiving test results. I disagree. Doctors can certainly advise patients not to sign up for notifications, and they can even tell patients that they will not discuss results outside of an in-person appointment. But they have no right to deny patients access to results. I’ve waited for test results, and I’ve also received bad news from test results. I can say that, for me, not knowing is much, much worse than knowing, even when the news is bad. So I wish to express my sincere thanks to the legislators who passed the 21st Century Cures Act. I’m incredibly grateful that, in the future, I won’t be at the mercy of paternalistic doctors who want to control my access to my own test results.




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