New Releases

New Releases

Published Jan. 21, 2016

Glacier National Park in Montana, which has lost 80 percent of its glaciers, is “one of the best barometers of climate change in North America,” writes Christopher White ’78. In The Melting World: A Journey Across America’s Vanishing Glaciers (St. Martin’s Press), he follows two alpine ecologists as they survey ice in the park and explore the impact of glacier loss.

In Write Out Loud: Use the Story to College Method, Write Great Application Essays, and Get Into Your Top Choice College (McGraw-Hill), Carol Barash *89 helps students write college-admission essays by using a storytelling-based approach.

Peter Urquhart ’74 is the director of the CD Music of Pierrequin de Thérache, performed by Capella Alamire and the Alamire Consort (Centaur). Thérache is a little-known Franco-Flemish Renaissance composer. Toby Mountain ’72 mastered the album, and Urquhart’s wife, Emily Swartzentruber Urquhart ’78, plays the bass viol. Urquhart is an associate professor of music at the University of New Hampshire.

Paw in print

The cover of PAW’s December, 2024, issue, featuring a photo of Albert Einstein in a book-filled office with his secretary, Helen Dukas.
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