Princeton extended offers of admission to the Class of 2021 to 1,890 students March 30 — and in a first for the University, more women than men were admitted. The acceptance rate, 6.1 percent of the record 31,056 applicants, is the lowest in the University’s history. The rate last year was 6.46 percent.
Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye said 18 more women than men were admitted, for 50.5 percent of the total. She said the female/male ratio for admitted students has been running close to 50/50 in recent years and “there was no intent this year other than to admit the very best class.” She added that “many of our peers crossed this line a number of years ago.”
Among those admitted, 53.4 percent self-identified as racial or ethnic minorities, 10.7 percent are legacies, 63.8 percent attend public schools, and 40.7 percent were admitted from the early-action pool. Rapelye said 18.9 percent will be the first in their families to attend college — a record for Princeton. The target size for the class is 1,308 students.
International students representing 76 countries make up 12.1 percent of admitted students, and Rapelye said the University will be watching for effects of the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
Among peer schools, Stanford reported an admission rate of 4.65 percent, Harvard 5.2 percent, and Yale 6.9 percent.