From the Archives

Though Princeton didn’t win the World Universities ­Debating Championship (or “Worlds”) in January 1989, it didn’t stop these unidentified debate club members from uncorking some champagne to celebrate. Princeton hosted the event, which was attended by more than 100 teams and had an increased international presence. The University of Sydney (Australia) took the crown that year and the topic for debate was “socialism has failed” — a prescient choice in light of events in central and eastern Europe later in 1989. Can any PAW readers name these students?

1 Response

David D. Conklin

4 Years Ago

Identifying the Debaters

This was just sent to me.  A real throwback in time — no doubt someone had too much time on their hands still with COVID. 

Second from left is Justin McGregor University of Toronto, then David Conklin, also at  U of T. Warren Lee is at the far right, from Sydney University. I cannot remember his partner’s name: Bell?

The final resolution was it profits a man nothing to gain the world and lose his soul. Sydney won as opposition.

Good memories.

Editor’s note: A 1989 issue of the Princeton Weekly Bulletin identifies the second Sydney team member as Andrew Bell.

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