Princeton cheerleaders display the athleticism that defines modern cheerleading in this 1995 photo taken at a basketball game in Jadwin Gym. Today students who try out for cheerleading learn a cheer, chant, and dance. Though candidates practice stunts and may demonstrate their gymnastics skills, they’re also chosen for their “enthusiasm, voice projection ... and cooperativeness,” according to the University’s cheerleading Web site. Cheerleaders perform at home football games, men’s and women’s home basketball games, and some away games. This year’s cheering roster includes 13 women and one man, Trent Fuenmayor ’12. Can any PAW readers identify the cheerleaders pictured?
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Matthew Ferguson ’96
9 Years AgoFrom the Archives
Re the Feb. 24 From the Archives photo: The guys in the bottom row are, from left, Leonard Marquez ’96, Matt Ferguson ’96, Jason Penzak ’95, and Jason Todd ’95. In the top row are, from left, Charmaine Williams ’97, Blair Blackwell ’96, Melinda Sims (née Hough) ’95, and Jordana (Danni) Kron ’97. This would be about half of the squad that year — at the time we had almost as many men (providing some high-flying stunts) as women.