“1939? It could be but it isn’t,” begins the description of this campy photo that graced the cover of the Princeton Nassoons’ 25th-anniversary album in 1965. The Nassoons posed on the Nassau Hall green in sports costumes reminiscent of the ’30s, the description continues, before their annual touch-football game against Yale’s a cappella counterpart, the Whiffenpoofs.
The sporty singers are, from left in front: Philip “Flip” Walkley ’67 and Tom Wickenden ’66; middle row: Rick Eisenhart ’66, Rod Oppmann ’65, John Pieper ’65, Don Schuman ’65, and George Hayum ’67; and back row: Steve Oxman ’67, Dave Robinson ’67, Collin Weber ’67, Roger Bates ’67, Rufus Schriber ’66, Howard “Mac” McMorris ’66, and Steve Parker ’67.
Ben Allen ’02, who purchased the album in a Princeton-area thrift store and sent photos of it to PAW, said the cover provided him with some good laughs.
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