The Class of 1972 was reaching for the sky when it planned a summer mini-reunion atop Mount Princeton. Before sunrise on July 17, 33 classmates began hiking up the mountain in central Colorado with a common goal: Walk uphill until you can’t go any farther. Twenty-four reached the 14,197-foot-high summit, including the group shown above: from left, Bob Wright, “Merc” Morris, Steve Massad, Andy Packer, Jack Crews, Ralph Bulle, David Barkhausen, Diana Foster, and Tom Jones. Class president Bill deGolian said he proposed the expedition because he thought it might attract “a different group of classmates than did it earlier trips.”
2 Responses
Walter Gamble ’53
9 Years AgoAt Mount Princeton
Our family climbed Mount Princeton (Alumni Scene, Sept. 23) in 1970, and with small children found it quite a challenge. However, the views were spectacular and well worth the effort. We did notice the thin atmosphere at the top, but came down greatly satisfied.
Stewart A. Levin ’75
9 Years AgoMount Princeton volunteers
Just a note that the cairn and rock stairs at the start of the trailhead were put in place by local Princeton alumni volunteers working with the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative in the Adopt-a-Peak program.