On the Campus: Finishing Touches

Published Oct. 13, 2017

Ricardo Barros

A worker inscribes “Lewis Center for the Arts” on the wall of the Wallace Dance Building and Theater as the new arts complex receives its finishing touches (coverage begins on page 20).

Photograph by Ricardo Barros

1 Response

Craig Sherman ’89

7 Years Ago

Naming the Stone Carver

Instead of “worker,” it would have been so much cooler if you had named the stonemason in the photo (On the Campus, Oct. 25)! If it had been a student or a teacher, I bet the magazine would have confirmed and added the name. You could set an example by making the effort going forward.

Love the magazine and our school. Just wanted to make this small suggestion.

Editor’s note: We agree! The Office of Design and Construction identified the stone carver as Timothy Johnston of Stone Graphix by Tim, a contractor who has worked on multiple stone-engraving projects on campus. 

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