Culbreath '10 returns to Princeton football team



Jordan Culbreath ’10 (Photo © Beverly Schaefer)

Football standout Jordan Culbreath ’10, who was sidelined with a life-threatening blood disease in 2009, has been cleared to rejoin Princeton's team this year, the University announced Aug. 25.

"First and foremost, we are thrilled to see Jordan's health improve over the last few months," head coach Bob Surace ’90 said in a press release. "Regardless of what he does between the lines this season, he is already an inspiration to our entire program."

Culbreath, the Ivy League's leading rusher in 2008, left a Sept. 26, 2009, game at Lehigh with an ankle injury. When team doctors evaluated his condition, they recognized other concerns, including fatigue. Days later, Culbreath was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a rare condition in which the body stops producing enough new blood cells. He received extensive treatment near his hometown in northern Virginia.

Culbreath will serve as one of Princeton's team captains, as he did in 2009. He received a medical hardship exception from the Ivy League, providing him with full eligibility for his senior season. Preseason practices began this morning.

Read more about Jordan Culbreath ’10:

Culbreath perseveres for senior day []

Life-threatening diagnosis might have saved life of Princeton RB [New York Post]

Football's underrated, understated star [Princeton Alumni Weekly]

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