Nada Elbuluk ’04 recently spoke with Dermatology Times about vitiligo, an autoimmune disease where antibodies attack melanocytes, the cells that make pigment, leaving white patches on the skin. Celebrities such as Michael Jackson, model Winnie Harlow, and actor Jon Hamm have talked about their experiences with the condition. As a dermatologist who teaches at the University of Southern California and a board member of the Global Vitiligo Foundation, Elbuluk says the condition is still widely misunderstood. For this first Q&A in a new series that will appear in PAW’s Alumni in the News newsletter, Elbuluk cleared up some common misconceptions about vitiligo.
Q: Is there a genetic predisposition for vitiligo?
A: Yes. Unfortunately, you can’t get tested for it. Vitiligo can sit dormant in a person for years and then a trigger can set it off. It can affect any race or gender and it is in 1-2 percent of the world’s population. It is fairly common in the skin disease world.
A: While it’s not yet curable, vitiligo is treatable. We have many different things we can do to get the skin color to come back. We can stabilize it with topical cream, oral medication, light therapy, or antioxidants. It’s usually a combination approach depending on the patient’s vitiligo distribution. About one-third of people experience itching where vitiligo shows up.
Q: Since vitiligo is visible, does part of your treatment include some sort of psychological help?
A: Yes. Vitiligo has a profound psychological and emotional effect on the people who have it because it is visible. Other diseases (like hypertension or diabetes) are not visible. We do address it since some people become reclusive. I do suggest sometimes seeing a therapist or psychologist. I used to run a vitiligo support group in New York City, and it showed me how this affects their relationships, their work, their day-to-day life — so many aspects of their life. There have been so many support groups across the country. I am on the board of the Global Vitiligo Foundation, which helps oversee and connect all the different support groups in the country, including online support groups.
Q: Is vitiligo life threatening?
A: Vitiligo won’t kill you; it doesn’t carry a mortality risk. But it is associated with other conditions that can have a systemic effect on people. About 20-30% also have thyroid disease. Be sure to get screened for other autoimmune diseases.
Q: Finally, how aware is the public regarding vitiligo?
A: Awareness is important. A lot of the public doesn’t know about it. The more the public knows what it is, the more positive people who have it will be. Some people can confuse it with leprosy or think it’s contagious. Neither is true. There is a public awareness campaign; watch “Step Up for Vitiligo.” The more the public knows what it is, the more they won’t treat people who have it differently. CoverGirl has hired a model with vitiligo, Mattel came out with a Barbie that has vitiligo. Even Call of Duty has a character that has it. Model Winnie Harlow, who has vitiligo, has started modeling without makeup. There has been a big increase in visibility. Different sectors in marketing and media can have a positive impact for people with vitiligo and not make people feel alienated.
— Interview conducted and condensed by Nicholas DeVito
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