Dec. 5: Satana Deberry ’91 Is Running for North Carolina Attorney General

Published Dec. 5, 2023

UC Davis professor emeritus Larry Berman *77 said Henry Kissinger, who died this week, will be remembered in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos for decisions that were “disastrous for hundreds of thousands of innocent people.” — Voice of America

Last year, Joan Weidner w’69 and Chris Meyer ’69 both picked the same trip for their first solo vacation since their spouses passed away: a week hiking with Princeton alumni. They were married Nov. 18 in Cranbury, New Jersey. — The New York Times
Durham County District Attorney Satana Deberry ’91 announced she’s running for North Carolina attorney general next year. — Associated Press
Following her new book, The SisterhoodLiza Mundy ’82 explained how some CIA analysts tried to raise the alarm about al-Qaeda before 9/11, but were ignored because they were women in a misogynistic agency. — The Atlantic

Economist Michael Spence ’66 discussed the new book he co-authored, Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World, which examines the issues hindering global economic growth. — CBS News
Massachusetts’ Andrea Campbell ’04 was one of six sitting Black attorneys general who spoke with the Associated Press about racial equality and law enforcement systems. — The Associated Press

Former Federal Aviation Administration official Michael Huerta *80 headed up a six-expert examination of the FAA’s safety record and concluded that the agency needs better staffing, equipment, and technology to handle a surge in close calls between planes. — The Washington Post
Economist Joseph Nye ’58 discussed the U.S.’s “competitive coexistence” with China in an op-ed, arguing that “Washington’s strategy towards Beijing should be to avoid either a hot or cold war, co-operate when possible and marshal its assets to shape China’s external behaviour.” — Financial Times

“Our attention is born free, but is, increasingly, everywhere in chains. Can our systems of liberal education rise to this challenge?”

— D. Graham Burnett ’93Alyssa Loh ’12, and Peter Schmidt ’20, writing for the Friends of Attention collective about the ways modern life saps our attention, and how schools can help. — The New York Times

 Princeton math professor Bhargav Bhatt *10 will receive the 2023 Infosys Prize in Mathematical Sciences for his “groundbreaking contributions” to the fields of arithmetic geometry and commutative algebra. — Institute for Advanced Study
On the Chris Cuomo Project podcast, retired Gen. David Petraeus *85 *87 discussed Israel’s military strategy against Hamas, including comparisons to the war on terror after 9/11. — WGN Radio
In a breakdown of the science of time travel, astrophysicist Katie Mack *09 said a 1991 theory that cosmic strings could make it work doesn’t hold up. “We don’t have any reason to believe cosmic strings exist,” she said. — BBC
Focus Features released a trailer for Drive-Away Dolls, a new “lesbian road trip” comedy co-written and directed by Ethan Coen ’79 due out in February. — Out magazine

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