President Wilson attended the meeting of the Board of Trustees on the 20th and read his letter of resignation as follows:

“Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:

“On the fifteenth of September last the Democratic party of New Jersey nominated me for the office of Governor of the State, and I deemed it my duty to accept the nomination. In view of Princeton’s immemorial observance of the obligation of public service, I could not have done otherwise.

“Having accepted that nomination, it becomes my duty to resign the presidency of the University I have so long loved and sought to serve. I, therefore, hereby offer my resignation of this great office with which you have honored me, and venture to express the hope that the Board will see its way to act upon the resignation at once. It is my earnest prayer that the University may go forward without halt or hindrance in the path of true scholarship and thoughtful service of the nation.” - Woodrow Wilson

After presenting his resignation, President Wilson retired from the room, and in accordance with the by-laws, the Senior Trustee, Mr. Stewart, took the chair. After some discussion of the situation the following resolution was adopted:

“The President having announced that, in view with his nomination as a candidate for the Governship of the State of New Jersey he has felt it incumbent upon himself to present to the Board his resignation as President of the University, and having expressed the hope that the Board would see its way to act immediately upon his resignation, therefore be it

“Resolved, That the resignation of the President be accepted with deep regret; that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to prepare and to submit suitable resolutions for adoption by the Board in recognition of the distinguished services of the President to the University; and that when the Board adjourns it be to meet on Thursday, November 3, 1910, at 11:15 am to receive the report of the committee.

This was originally published in the October 26, 1910 issue of PAW.