Eating Clubs’ ‘Trick-or-Feed’ Raises Money to Fight Hunger

Published Oct. 26, 2016

Princeton’s Eating Clubs are holding their second annual “Trick-or-Feed” fundraising event during the Oct. 27 “Princetoween” parties on the Street. The Interclub Council and the Community Service Interclub Council, in conjunction with the PACE Center, are encouraging students to give to the community while they celebrate Halloween and the end of midterm exams.

All students who want to enter an eating club other than their own on Princetoween night must first pick up a Trick-or-Feed sticker from the Community Service Interclub Council. An optional donation of money or canned goods is encouraged upon receiving the sticker. All donations will be going to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, a local charity organization that provides more than 3,000 free meals a week to people in need, as well as a diverse range of social, community, and health services.

Last year, over half of the undergraduate student body received stickers and contributed a total of over $9,000 in both money and non-perishable goods for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen, according to the Community Service Interclub Council.

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