Alumni often joke that wherever they are, Princeton will find them: When it comes to reaching out to graduates, the University reigns supreme. We at PAW hope to continue that tradition now.

Part of PAW’s mission is to maintain and strengthen the bonds among alumni and between alumni and Princeton. I’m reminded of the late Ralph Ritchie ’34, who faithfully chronicled the doings of his class for seven decades until he stepped down from the class-secretary post in 2009, at 97. Ralph took off for only five years – when he was serving in the Army during World War II. Even then, he organized class correspondents so ’34 would remain close in the most difficult of times.

We’ll take inspiration from Ralph now. Logistical and economic challenges mean our print issues for the rest of the year will be smaller, but we’ll do everything possible to ensure that you continue to receive PAW. Over the next few months, you can expect to read more about how alumni are helping to address this global crisis, both in print and on our social-media accounts. Please share your news with us at, or contact us via Facebook and Twitter (@pawprinceton). While you’re there, read today’s posts about Dr. Evan Garfein ’92, a NCAA lacrosse champ now working on the front line of the COVID-19 epidemic in New York City; how writer John McPhee ’53 has moved his class online; and Quarantine Concerts, an initiative of violist Crista Kende Bergendahl ’07 to livestream concerts from the homes of musicians worldwide.   

Our entire staff sends you wishes for health, resilience, and better times.