From the Editor: PAW and a Pandemic

By Marilyn H. Marks *86

Published April 10, 2020

1 min read

Alumni often joke that wherever they are, Princeton will find them: When it comes to reaching out to graduates, the University reigns supreme. We at PAW hope to continue that tradition now. 

Part of PAW’s mission is to maintain and strengthen the bonds among alumni and between alumni and Princeton. And for 120 years that’s what PAW has strived to do, in collaboration with the class secretaries and memorialists who share news of your classmates and friends. I’m reminded of the late Ralph Ritchie ’34, who faithfully chronicled the doings of his class for seven decades until his eyesight failed and he stepped down from the class-secretary post in 2009, at 97. Ralph took off for only five years — when he was serving in the Army during World War II. Even then, he organized class correspondents so ’34 would remain close in the most difficult of times. 

We’ll take inspiration from Ralph now. Logistical and economic challenges mean our issues for the rest of the year will be smaller, but we’ll do everything possible to ensure that you continue to receive this magazine. Some of the articles in this issue, such as the two feature stories, were prepared for publication before the virus changed our world so suddenly, while our news coverage explains how Princeton students and faculty continue to engage and how alumni are contributing to our understanding of COVID-19. Over the next few months, you can expect to read more about how alumni are helping to address this global crisis. Our digital offerings on social media and at include other information to keep you updated. Please share your news with your class secretary and with

I’m grateful to my PAW colleagues for working through the additional demands of producing the magazine remotely — and to you, for continuing to read it when other thoughts are top of mind. Our entire staff sends wishes for health, resilience, and better times.

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