Eighteen professors and lecturers are transferring to emeritus status this year, combining for more than 600 years of teaching experience:
SCOTT BURNHAM, music, 26 years.
EDWARD J. CHAMPLIN, classics, 41 years.
DOUGLAS CLARK, computer science, 23 years.
RONALD COMER, lecturer with continuing appointment in psychology, 41 years.
JOHN COOPER, philosophy, 35 years.
ANGUS DEATON, economics and international affairs, 33 years.
PAUL DIMAGGIO, sociology and public affairs, 24 years.
ROBERT FREIDIN, linguistics, 32 years.
J. RICHARD GOTT *73, astrophysical sciences, 40 years.
ABDELLAH HAMMOUDI, anthropology, 26 years.
NANCY WEISS MALKIEL, history and former dean of the college, 47 years.
KIRK MCDONALD, physics, 40 years.
IGNACIO RODRIGUEZ-ITURBE, civil and environmental engineering and the Princeton Environmental Institute, 17 years.
JEROME SILBERGELD, East Asian studies and director of the Tang Center for East Asian Art, 15 years.
P. ADAMS SITNEY, visual arts, 36 years.
SZYMON SUCKEWER, mechanical and aerospace engineering, 41 years.
RONALD SURTZ, Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures, 43 years.
ROBERT WILLIG, economics and public affairs, 38 years.
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