In a new display at Frist Campus Center, “Reflections of 50 Years of Undergraduate Women at Princeton,” alumnae look back on their campus experiences.
“We wanted to educate undergraduate women about how they came to be at Princeton and what women have encountered,” said Jean Hendry *80, vice chair of the Princetoniana Committee, which sponsored the project. “No matter how the women felt about arriving at Princeton and the challenges they faced, by the time they finish [their degrees], they are very much part of this University, with a sense of belonging,” said Hendry, who organized the exhibit with Diane Hasling ’79.
The exhibit, located near the main staircase on the 100 level, is expected to continue through Reunions next year, Hendry said. It includes historical materials as well as nearly 40 short reflections by alumnae. Here are two excerpts:
“Being a ‘first’ often meant being the only woman in a group. At the pool I had to remember ‘women’s hours’; other hours were for men, who swam naked.” —Judith Simpson White ’72
“Though as a student I never did feel as though Princeton fully belonged to me, I now know how much it helped make me who I am. I hope in the end I helped make it what it is today, too.” — Jessica Berman ’83
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