A Fictional Romp Through Reality TV and the Absurdities of Our Celebrity Culture

Christopher Beha '02

Christopher Beha '02

Christopher Beha ’02’s new novel, Arts and Entertainments,is a hilarious send-up of our celebrity culture, but his inspiration came not from watching marathons of The Real Housewives, but from reading Edith Wharton.

A Wharton short story — about an impoverished poet who cannot make money from his poems but is offered the chance to sell a piece of gossip to a newspaper — sparked the idea for the novel, which follows a failed actor who, desperate to afford fertility treatments for his wife, sells a sex tape made with a former girlfriend who now is famous. When his identity is revealed, he is unwittingly drawn into the world of reality TV, which quickly takes over his life. The novel expertly skewers our obsession with the world of celebrities — a newspaper headline reads “Nation Mourns” when a reality TV star dies — and the way in which social media has transformed how we think about our lives.

There has been “a real debasing of interior life,” Beha says, with the pervasiveness of the idea “that everybody’s life is meant to be broadcast, and that your life has meaning to the extent that it is known about by as many people as possible.” The book’s reality TV maestro, a shadowy figure named Brian Moody, spends a year in the seminary before realizing his true calling, enabling Beha to explore the way celebrity culture “substitutes in some way for what religion used to provide.”

This is a first effort at comedy for Beha, who is a deputy editor atHarper’s magazine. He previously wrote the novel What Happened to Sophie Wilder, about a woman who disappears, and The Whole Five Feet, a non-fiction book about reading all 51 volumes of the Harvard Classics Library.

To research reality TV, he turned to friends John Carr ’97 and Josh Harnden ’00, both TV producers who have worked on The Bachelor and The Hills, and studied gossip magazines such as Us Weekly. Though he is not one to post selfies on Instagram, he did include in the novel a doppelganger for Twitter that he dubbed Teeser, since he sometimes finds himself unwittingly addicted to tweeting, he says: “I wanted to write about the stuff that I’m implicated in as well.”

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