FYI: Findings


Published Jan. 21, 2016

ACT YOUR AGE, GRANDMA! That’s the sentiment of some young people toward their elders, according to research by Princeton psychology and public affairs professor Susan Fiske and Michael North GS. In a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in March, they found that some younger ­people said they resented older ­people they perceived as acting younger than they are, ­consuming scarce resources such as health care, and not moving aside from high-paying jobs to make way for others. 

Citizens who take to the streets to demand REGIME CHANGE are less likely to do so again if the new government turns out to be just as bad as the one replaced, according to a paper co-authored by politics professor Adam Meirowitz. Based on a theoretical model, the authors found that, particularly in new democracies, people are likely to conclude that a new government would be no better — and therefore, protesting isn’t worth the costs. The initial post-protest period is “crucially important,” the authors wrote. The paper was published in April in the American Journal of Political Science.

Former Princeton president William G. Bowen *58 argues that TECHNOLOGY AND ONLINE EDUCATION potentially can help stem the rising cost of college without adversely affecting student learning in “Higher Education in the Digital Age” (Princeton ­University Press). Bowen said the prospects are promising but added: “To succeed we will need to ... be relentless in seeking evidence about outcomes and costs.”

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