Headliners: The 2017 Princeton Alumni in the News Quiz

Brett Tomlinson
By Brett Tomlinson

Published Dec. 18, 2017

1 min read

How closely do you read PAW’s Alumni in the News roundup? Identify the Princetonians featured in stories with these headlines from the last 12 months.

Scroll down for answers.

1. Jan. 10: This tech leader’s opinion column in Newsweek argued, “We Should Embrace Machine Learning — Not Fear It.”

A. Brad Smith ’81

B. Eric Schmidt ’76

2. Feb. 9: From The New York Times, “Court Refuses to Reinstate Travel Ban, Dealing Trump Another Legal Loss,” about a three-judge panel that included this alum.

A. Richard Clifton ’72

B. Denny Chin ’75

3. March 20: From The New York Times: “Met Opera Auditions Yield a Young Star.”

A. Anthony Roth Costanzo ’04

B. Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen ’15

4. April 5: From The Wall Street Journal: “Sen. __________ Speaks All Night to Protest Gorsuch Nomination.”

A. Ted Cruz ’92

B. Jeff Merkley *82

5. May 17: From Reuters: “Former FBI Chief ______ Appointed To Probe Trump-Russia Ties.”

A. Robert Mueller ’66

B. Buzzy Krongard ’58

6. June 9: From The American Prospect: “School Suspensions, Test Scores, and Lead Poisoning,” a look at research led by this economist.

A. Janet Currie *88

B. James Heckman *71

7. July 11: “Ida B. Wells Offered the Solution to Police Violence More Than 100 Years Ago” was the headline for this historian’s essay for The Washington Post.

A. Michael Eric Dyson *93

B. Keisha N. Blain *14

8. Aug. 13: From The Washington Post: “‘Look at the Campaign He Ran’: Charlottesville Mayor Is Becoming One of Trump’s Strongest Critics.”

A. Steve Adler ’78

B. Mike Signer ’95

9. Sept. 13: Announcement on Time.com: “_________ Chosen To Lead Time as New Editor.”

A. Ed Felsenthal ’88

B. David Remnick ’81

10. Oct. 11: From a Wall Street Journal profile: “________: The Amazon Chief Who Obsesses Over Consumers.”

A. Jeff Bezos ’86

B. Jeff Wilke ’89

11. Nov. 15: From a New Yorker photo feature: “A Photographer’s Old College Classmates, Back Then and Now.”

A. Josephine Sittenfeld ’02

B. Accra Shepp ’84

12. Dec. 7: From The Hill: “Senate Confirms Two Interior, EPA Nominees,” including this head of the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

A. Susan Bodine ’83

B. Kathleen Hartnett White *78

ANSWERS: 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A; 6. A; 7. B; 8. B; 9. A; 10. B; 11. A; 12. A.

1 Response

Norman Ravitch *62

7 Years Ago

As a parent fears public...

As a parent fears public news about his/her child might be embarrassing or worse so too should a university cringe at the possibility its graduates might bring it more pain than pleasure.

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