Honorary Degrees for Six at Commencement

Published July 3, 2019

Six individuals were honored for contributions to education, literature, public service, science, and space travel:


Photo: Beverly Schaefer

MICHAEL DRAKE, president of The Ohio State University, for his leadership in increasing college accessibility for first-generation and lower-income students.


Photo: Beverly Schaefer

RODNEY FRELINGHUYSEN, former longtime New Jersey congressman and supporter of fusion-energy research and the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. 

Photo: Beverly Schaefer

B. ROSEMARY and PETER GRANT, Princeton biologists emeriti whose work produced insights into natural selection, genetics, ecology, evolution, and behavior.


Photo: Beverly Schaefer

EDITH GROSSMAN, renowned for capturing style, rhythm, and nuance in translating more than 30 books written in Spanish. 


Photo: Beverly Schaefer

ELLEN OCHOA, the first Latina in space and the first Hispanic director of the Johnson Space Center, as well as a musician, scientist, and inventor. 

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