Jan. 4: Wyc Grousbeck ’83’s Life Inspires New NBC Sitcom

Emilia Fazzalari, left, and Wyc Grousbeck ’83 watch an NBA basketball game between the Celtics and the Miami Heat on Nov. 30, 2022.

Emilia Fazzalari, left, and Wyc Grousbeck ’83 watch an NBA basketball game between the Celtics and the Miami Heat on Nov. 30, 2022.

Brian Snyder/Pool Photo via AP, File

Elizabeth Daugherty
By Elisabeth H. Daugherty

Published Jan. 4, 2024

1 min read

The new NBC sitcom Extended Family is based on the “nesting” divorce arrangement of Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck ’83: The kids stay in their home while the parents move in and out. — Associated Press

A critic who saw playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins ’06’s Appropriate debut on Broadway regretted panning it back when it was off Broadway. “If the theater can change even a theater critic’s mind, perhaps it can change anyone’s,” wrote Jesse Green. — The New York Times
On Tuesday, former Cincinnati City Council member P.G. Sittenfeld ’07 reported to a minimum-security prison in Ashland, Ohio, to begin his 16-month sentence for bribery and attempted extortion. — WLWT

“2024 is a great time to recommit to trust. Resist the algorithms that are incentivized to create division. Treat social media like a novelty store, not a newsstand. Listen first and resolve to appreciate facts over innuendo. Focus on the important human relationships in our lives.”

— Ken Hersh ’85, president and CEO of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, writing in the Dallas Morning News.

 One of Martin Seligman ’64’s former graduate students built a chatbot version of the influential psychologist and cheerfully named it “Ask Martin.” “I gave it to my wife and she was blown away by it,” Seligman said. — Politico
In an op-ed, former Purdue University president Mitch Daniels ’71 said ominous predictions that we’re due for a revolution are ironically helping “worrywarts like me” get through the current political moment. — The Washington Post

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
 named a May interview with investigative journalist Eric Schlosser ’81, about his research into nuclear close calls, one of its six best articles of 2023. — Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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