An Unsung Soldier: The Life and Times of Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster [*50], by Robert S. Jordan *60 (Naval Institute Press)
The author: Jordan served as director of research for the U.N. Institute for Training and Research and was a distinguished professor of strategy and policy at the U.S. Naval War College. He has published widely on Cold War alliance policy, coalition maritime affairs, international administration, and military biographies.
The book: In this biography, Jordan describes the accomplishments of Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster *50 (who died in 2005) — one of the leading soldier-scholars of his time. A key figure during the Cold War, Goodpaster served Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in establishing the international military component of NATO; during Eisenhower’s presidency, he worked as staff secretary and defense liaison officer. After serving in Vietnam as Deputy Commander, Goodpaster was appointed NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. He was called out of retirement to restore the integrity of West Point after a major ethical crisis. Upon his final retirement and for over a quarter-century thereafter, he was actively involved in the world of Washington policy-making.
Opening Lines: “In demeanor, Andrew Goodpaster was described as being austere yet approachable in a no-nonsense way. He dressed neatly but not stylishly. He smiled readily, was courteous but not obsequious, usually waited for others to speak before interjecting his own thoughts, and except perhaps because of his height, could easily be missed in a crowd.”
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