July 7: Gen. Christopher Cavoli ’87 Becomes NATO Supreme Allied Commander

Army Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli testifies on May 26 during the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on his reappointment "to the grade of general and to be Commander, United States European Command and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe," Dirksen Building.

Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images

Elizabeth Daugherty
By Elisabeth H. Daugherty

Published July 7, 2022

2 min read

The Senate confirmed Gen. Christopher Cavoli ’87, the U.S. Army’s top general in Europe, as NATO supreme allied commander. — Stars and Stripes
Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa ’86 said she won’t shut down her news outlet Rappler, despite an order from Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission. — NPR
Novelist Jodi Picoult ’87 lent her voice to those criticizing her hometown library in Smithtown, New York, which removed its pride displays. The library reversed its decision in 48 hours. — The Times of Smithtown
National Review editor Ramesh Ponnuru ’95 said the reason why “conservative legal decisions and conservative policy victories often go hand in hand” is that the U.S. Constitution itself is conservative. — Bloomberg Law
Planned Parenthood president Alexis McGill Johnson ’93 said people won’t stand for the surveillance involved in some states’ plans to criminalize abortion and contraception. — MSNBC
Washington Post nonfiction book critic Carlos Lozada *97 examined three major Supreme Court rulings on abortion, spanning nearly 50 years, all of which “acknowledge the complexity and divisiveness of abortion in American life.” — The Washington Post

Novelist Akhil Sharma ’92 appeared on The New Yorker’s fiction podcast to read and discuss Zombie, a 1994 novel by Princeton humanities professor Joyce Carol Oates. — The New Yorker

“With the fall of Roe, doctors may now have to face a disturbing decision between following the law or following the Hippocratic oath.”

— Robert Klitzman ’80, a clinical psychiatry professor and director of the Masters of Bioethics Program at Columbia, discussing the consequences of overturning Roe v. Wade on doctors and health care. — Psychology Today

As time runs out for Congress to pass federal privacy law and antitrust reform, former Federal Trade Commission chair Bill Kovacic ’74 said the inaction has been frustrating. — CNET

James Blue ’91 is stepping down as head of the Smithsonian Channel and is expected to return to the news field. — Deadline

Journalist and author Liza Mundy ’82 married science television host Bill Nye, known as “the science guy.” — People

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