June 27, 2017: Shea ’74 Enters Maryland Gubernatorial Race; Nayeri ’01 in The New Yorker; and More

By Abhiram Karuppur ’19 and Brett Tomlinson

Published June 27, 2017

2 min read

University of Chicago law professor M. Todd Henderson ’93 discusses three ways to encourage index funds and institutional investors to make informed decisions about corporate governance. — The Wall Street Journal

Former Venable LLP chairman Jim Shea ’74 entered the race for Maryland governor, becoming the fourth Democrat looking to challenge incumbent Republican Gov. Larry Hogan. — The Baltimore Sun


In a recent essay, Dina Nayeri ’01 details how her relationship with her father changed over a 30-year period of infrequent visits. — The New Yorker

Harvard University professor Ben Sommers ’00 argues that the Affordable Care Act has led to improved health care and life expectancy among its beneficiaries. — USA Today

Woody Hines ’12 and John Shi created Hillflint, an apparel startup that takes a fresh look at collegiate apparel. — Racked

Jim Farrin ’58, the founder and executive director of the Petey Greene Program, which provides individualized tutoring for incarcerated people, encourages the Trump administration to preserve funding for programs that educate prisoners. — The Wall Street Journal

Richard Sun ’72 has been named “Entrepreneur in Residence” at Innovate Mississippi, where he will provide guidance to 30 startups with Mississippi entrepreneurs. — Mississippi Business Journal

FAA Administrator Michael Huerta *80 described the drone revolution as “a huge game-changer,” and is looking to strike a balance between safety regulation and fostering innovation and development. — US News & World Report

David Petraeus *85 *87 and Brookings Institution senior fellow Michael O’Hanlon ’82 *91 argue that for the United States to succeed in Afghanistan, it needs an increased military effort to train Afghan forces as well as more cooperation with Pakistan. — The Wall Street Journal

Cheddar founder and CEO Jon Steinberg ’99 shares his advice for those looking to work at a startup. — Fox 4

University of Rochester religion professor Josh Dubler *08 is using his 2016 Carnegie Award to study the effects of abolishing prisons, in the hopes of ending mass incarceration and educating current prisoners. — News at Wesleyan 

Rebecca Katz *05, a Georgetown University global health researcher, testified before a Senate subcommittee Tuesday on the role of U.S. support for the World Health Organization. — Newswise

Former SolarCity and Tesla executive Susannah Wright ’98 was named Credit Karma’s first general counsel, drawing on her experience in compliance for technology companies. — PR Newswire

Duke University professor Charles Piot ’73 explains “ethical development in today’s globalized world,” and recounts how his interest in West Africa started in his dorm room at Princeton. — The Kenan Institute for Ethics

Tech executives Tom Leighton ’78, Jeff Bezos ’86, and Eric Schmidt ’76 joined the White House’s American Technology Council, which is focused on using the latest technology to streamline the government. — Recode

In an opinion piece, Douglas Rushkoff ’83 writes that following Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, it may be time to address whether the e-commerce giant needs to be broken up due to its rapid vertical integration. — Fast Company

Anne Margaret Daniel *99 and A. Scott Berg ’71 were among the presenters at the 14th International F. Scott Fitzgerald [1917] Society conference, which has attracted scholars from around the world. — Twin Cities Pioneer Press

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