Keeping faith with the classes

Zachary Ruchman '10

President Tilghman joined Bob Young, president of the Class of ’42 (shown left of Tilghman, with glasses and sweater), and other class members and friends ­during ceremonies Oct. 3 at Butler College to recognize the classes of 1922, 1940, 1941, and 1942. Butler College’s new dorms were built on the site of razed dorms named for Donold B. Lourie and George H. Love, both ’22, and for the classes of 1940, 1941, and 1942. The new dorms include a memorial court with class stones and time capsules beneath them. The Class of ’42 lounge, which overlooks the court, has alcoves with plaques and memorabilia honoring the classes of 1940, 1941, and 1942. A walkway through the center of the ­college was dedicated as Lourie-Love Walk.

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