A New Look for PAW Online

By Marilyn H. Marks *86

Published March 25, 2016

1 min read

The year 2008 may feel like yesterday, but when it comes to PAW’s presence online, that year — the year our website was last redesigned — is absolutely ancient. Our fondness for tradition notwithstanding, we are proud to leap ahead and launch a redesigned site at paw.princeton.edu.

Brett Tomlinson, PAW’s digital editor

Frank Wojciechowski

Brett Tomlinson, PAW’s digital editor (he is our sports editor, too), has overseen development of the new site, which offers a fresh presentation of our Web-exclusive content in addition to the articles you can see in the print PAW. The redesign makes it much easier for alumni to read PAW on their cellphones and other mobile devices.

If you haven’t visited the site before, we invite you to explore PAW’s multimedia content, including podcasts, slide shows, and videos, as well as regular features such as each Wednesday’s Tiger of the Week. PAW Online also is a great place to comment on stories from our print issues or browse the archives, including more than 11,000 alumni memorials. To receive regular updates about PAW Online, please join our email list by using the sign-up field at the bottom of any page. We welcome your feedback — send a note to paw@princeton.edu.

With this issue, we say farewell to Jennifer Altmann, who joined PAW almost five years ago and most recently edited the magazine’s Princetonians and Life of the Mind sections and expanded PAW’s books coverage.

Jennifer has been named editor of the Barnard College alumnae magazine. Barnard is lucky to get her. We expect to name an editor who will continue Jennifer’s excellent work at PAW within a few weeks.

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