New Releases

Published March 5, 2020


When an affair with a married man sours, a woman struggling to make ends meet decides to join a research study wherein she must live with an AI device that charts her brain and can, in some ways, read her mind. Marianne Apostolides ’94 raises difficult ethical questions in her novel I Can’t Get You Out of My Mind (Book*hug Press), probing what it means to be human, the value of privacy, and how we communicate our thoughts.


Mike Signer ’95 was the mayor of Charlottesville when the white nationalist “Unite the Right” rally descended upon the city in August 2017. He was also a political science teacher and lawyer with concerns for both free speech and public safety. In Cry Havoc (Public Affairs), Signer reflects on the Charlottesville rally and its aftermath, offering lessons about how government should confront hate speech and promote civility. 

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