Eleven new tenured professors have joined the faculty:

AISHA M. BELISO-DE JESUS (Spanish & Portuguese and American studies), from Harvard University, is an anthropologist who studies media, culture, and religion.

BARBARA GRAZIOSI (classics), from Durham University, studies classical and modern responses to ancient Greek literature, especially Homeric epic literature. 

JOHANNES HAUBOLD (classics), also from Durham University, studies interactions among ancient Greek, Roman, and Babylonian literature.

ALEKSANDAR HEMON (creative writing and the Lewis Center for the Arts), is an author whose books include The Lazarus Project. A MacArthur Fellowship recipient, he previously taught at Northwestern University and New York University.

KATE HO (economics), from Columbia University, studies the economics of the health-care industry.

SANYU A. MOJOLA (sociology) researches health inequalities between different social classes, primarily through the lens of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. She joins the faculty from the University of Michigan.

LAURENCE RALPH (anthropology) joins the faculty from Harvard University. His studies focus on urban life, gangs, and medicine.

JAMES RAYMOND VREELAND (Woodrow Wilson School), from Georgetown University, examines the impact of global institutions on developing countries.

TOM GRIFFITHS (psychology and computer science) studies the underlying computational problems that humans address while making choices, assessing differences between human evaluations and those of artificial intelligence. He joins the faculty from the University of California, Berkeley.

Z. JASON REN (civil and environmental engineering), from the University of Colorado, Boulder, researches methods to convert wastewater and other waste materials into energy and useful chemicals.

MARSHALL BASHANT BROWN (architecture), is an architect who specializes in urban architecture and city revitalization.