New Trustees Announced for Princeton’s Board

Nassau Hall

Denise Applewhite, Office of Communications

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By Princeton Alumni Weekly

Published July 2, 2020

1 min read

Seven new members joined Princeton’s Board of Trustees July 1:

Jackson A. Artis ’20, the Class of 2020’s young alumni trustee, will be pursuing a master’s degree in space-systems engineering at Johns Hopkins University in the fall.

Peter Briger Jr. ’86 is co-chief executive officer of Fortress Investment Group in San Francisco.

Janeria A. Easley *16, elected as an alumni trustee, is an assistant professor in the Department of African American Studies at Emory University.

Paul Maeder ’75 is a founder and general partner at Highland Capital Partners.

Sarah Stein ’97 is a managing partner at Hall Capital Partners LLC.

Carla Vernón ’92 is a former executive at General Mills and an adviser to natural-products startups.

Melissa H. Wu ’99, elected as an alumni trustee, is chief executive officer of the nonprofit Education Pioneers.

Maeder and Stein will serve eight-year terms as charter trustees; the others will serve four-year terms.

Leaving the board June 30 were José B. Alvarez ’85, Azza C. Cohen ’16, Blair W. Effron ’84, Brent L. Henry ’69, Robert J. Hugin ’76, Derek C. Kilmer ’96, Thomas S. Roberts ’85, and Peter Wendell ’72. 

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