Nov. 7: New Yorker Editor David Remnick ’81 Reports from Israel

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By Elisabeth H. Daugherty and Jack Hartman ’24

Published Nov. 7, 2023

2 min read

New Yorker editor David Remnick ’81 discussed his trip to Israel just after the Hamas attack to report a major article in the magazine titled In The Cities of Killing. — WNYC
When the Texas Rangers won the World Series, general manager Chris Young ’02 thanked fans. “I hope for each of you, that when you’re going through hard times, that this team can inspire you to keep fighting and keep believing,” he said. — WFAA
Lawrence University history professor Jerald Podair *97 connected the current national conversation over parents’ rights to one in a 1960s Brooklyn neighborhood, where parents fought to get Black history taught in schools. —The Conversation
Rep. Ken Buck ’81 announced he will not seek reelection in Colorado’s 4th district, citing the inability of Republicans to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election as his primary motivation. — The New York Times
Rep. John Sarbanes ’84 from Maryland’s 3rd district announced he would not seek reelection for a 10th term in the House and plans to return to nonprofit work. — Politico

“You know, we live in a world that tells you, you have no limits. And sadly, it’s a lie we tell each other. I’m not saying that you can’t get better, or you can’t push your limit a little bit. But, you know, sitting down into whatever gifts you’ve been given and not wishing for other ones … there’s something to be said for that.”

— Actor, author, and musician David Duchovny ’82 discussing his musical influences, including Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan, who like him struggled with voice range and leaned on lyrics. — Big Issue

ACLU executive director Anthony Romero ’87 said he opposes a gag order a judge placed on Donald Trump, saying if his free speech rights are abridged, other voices will also be silenced. — 19FortyFive
Former Google executive Eric Schmidt ’76 is funding a nonprofit called Future House that will build an AI-powered laboratory assistant to generate hypotheses and speed up early-stage scientific research. — The Seattle Times
David Petraeus *85 *87 discussed the growing ground operations of the Israel Defense Forces and the challenges they will face in Gaza in the next phase of the war. — Fox News
Gabriella Carter ’22 quit her job as a full-time marketing analyst to focus on her Instagram and TikTok brand, “Growing With Gabby,” where she shares the financial advice that helped her win 35 scholarship offers and graduate debt-free from Princeton. — Black Enterprise

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