Princeton professor of economics and public affairs Janet Currie *88 said a major reason why women have been slow to return to work is the difficulty of finding reliable and affordable childcare. — The Detroit News
After debating critical race theory with television comedian Bill Maher, Vanderbilt race and religion professor Michael Eric Dyson *93 said Maher “underestimated the anti-Black sentiment that is deeply entrenched.” — Newsweek
Johns Hopkins professor Leah Wright Rigueur *09, author of The Loneliness of the Black Republican, discussed election-night victories for Black Republicans in Virginia, New York state, and Kentucky. — NPR
Megan Curham ’18 won the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon for a second time, once again beating all the men and women, this time in a field of 11,400 runners. — Disney Diary
Humanities scholar David Nirenberg *92 will become the 10th director of the Institute for Advanced Study this summer. — Institute for Advanced Study
“This is just the beginning of a massive wealth tax and giving the IRS the powers to go and see everything you do, everything you buy, to make sure you’re not getting too wealthy.”
— Economist Steve Forbes ’70 discussing the $1.2 trillion federal infrastructure bill. — Newsmax
The Washington Post profiled Brooke Shields ’87 ahead of her new Netflix romance film release, writing that the actress’s “unconventional life has been breathlessly documented.” — The Washington Post
Democratic pollster Mark Mellman ’78 said that the moment Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said parents shouldn’t tell schools what to teach changed the race. — CNN
Aliza Pearl ’04 appears on a new album by the Doubleclicks, titled Teaching a Robot to Love, which the artists describe as a musical about “change, friendship, queer love, and what it means to be a person.” — Tor.com
Stanford economist Michael Spence ’66 wrote that supply chain shortages will continue for some time, and better models are needed to predict their evolution and response to shocks. — The Business Standard
U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell ’86 of Alabama is holding her 10th annual free job fair today, with more than 50 employers. — AL.com
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