Oct. 20, 2016: Thank-Yous to the First Lady, Hart *74 Wins Nobel, ‘Turing’s Law,’ and More

Published Oct. 20, 2016

After Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Gloria Steinem, Jon Meacham, and Rashida Jones wrote “thank-you notes” to first lady Michelle Obama ’85, hundreds of readers added their own in the comments section. — The New York Times Style Magazine

Oliver Hart *74, a professor at Harvard, was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics, sharing the prize with MIT economist Bengt Holmstrom. — The New York Times | The Wall Street Journal | Time 

Great Britain passed what has become known as “Turing’s law,” in honor of Alan Turing *38, postumously pardoning thousands of gay and bisexual men who were convicted on homosexuality charges. — The New York Times

Palliative care doctor B.J. Miller ’93 believes that “facing death has a lot to do with living well.” — PBS NewsHour

Post-debates reading: Positive psychology founder Martin Seligman ’64, in this August column, looked at the changing role of optimism in political campaigns. — The Washington Post

From The University of Arizona, the story of how two specimens of the mineral azurite, collected by Princeton alumnus William Earl Dodge 1879's company more than a century ago, recently were matched in the UA Mineral Museum. — UA News

Marc Fisher ’80 paid tribute to baseball broadcaster Vin Scully, who “trusted that his audience would appreciate an intelligent, measured account of the game, laced with knowledgeable analysis and a never-saccharine icing of erudition.” — The Washington Post

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