Oct. 30, 2018: An Infrastructure Dream Realized for Wu ’58; Jurić *07 Discusses New Survey Telescope

The completion of a 34-mile bridge connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macau fulfilled a 35-year-old dream of Chinese infrastructure developer Gordon Wu ’58. — South China Morning Post
Gen. Mark Milley ’80, the U.S. Army chief of staff, expressed his desire to release a 1,300-page report on the Iraq War that was commissioned by the Army in 2013 and completed in 2016. — The Wall Street Journal
Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren *84 *86 argues in an opinion column that Israel should recognize Conservative and Reform Jewry, which represent the majority of American Jews, to defy anti-Semites and “reaffirm itself.” — The New York Times
Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker ’49 decried what he sees as a lack of respect for public servants and criticized policy schools, including the Woodrow Wilson School, in an interview preceding the publication of his memoir, Keeping At It. — The New York Times
Christine Hunsicker ’99, CEO of the clothing-rental company Gwynnie Bee, spoke at the Fast Company Innovation Festival about the need for startups to avoid growing too rapidly, even if pressured by investors. — Fast Company
“Numeracy is just as important as literacy to be able to understand the issues of the world.”
— Princeton professor Manjul Bhargava *01, the new chair for the public dissemination of math at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. Read more in The New York Times.
University of Washington professor Mario Jurić *07 is working on ways to manage the massive amounts of data that the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will soon provide to astronomers. — Quanta Magazine
David Byler ’14, chief elections analyst for The Weekly Standard, joined RealClearPolitics co-founder Tom Bevan ’91 to discuss statistical predictions for the upcoming midterm elections. — WLS-AM
A new movie starring Dean Cain ’88 based on the real-life trial and conviction of Philadelphia late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell has received mixed reviews from critics. — Philadelphia Inquirer
Married architects Hilary Sample *03 and Michael Meredith, a Princeton professor, discussed their collection of art, which includes works by artists with whom they’ve collaborated. — The New York Times
In a recent opinion column, author and historian Edward Tenner ’65 questions the logic of admissions at America’s selective colleges. — Inside Higher Ed
Trial and appellate lawyer Melissa Damian Visconti ’90 is among 10 nominees for two open seats on Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals. — Law.com
Sculler Gevvie Stone ’07 won her record ninth women’s singles title at the Head of the Charles Regatta. — Boston Globe
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