Preparation for the Inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson ’79

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By Princeton Alumni Weekly

Published Oct. 4, 1902

2 min read

Columbia and Princeton play football here on the afternoon of the inauguration of President Wilson, October 25, and all of the alumni can see the game whether they attend the inauguration ceremonies in the morning or not. We did not play Columbia last year, and the year before Columbia beat us in New York.

President and Mrs. Wilson will give a reception that afternoon, after the game, to which all the alumni and other visitors are invited.

President Wilson’s election had hardly been announced last June before Harper & Brothers sent a letter to each alumnus of Princeton, and of other colleges from which President Wilson had received degrees, announcing the new “History of the American People in five volumes by Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton” – such is the enterprise of some modern publishers. This is the first complete history of the United States to be written, the announcement says. The Weekly has not yet seen it, but the publishers have, and as we could hardly be more appreciative anyway, we take the liberty of quoting from them that the work is “monumental in character and scope, represents the genius of the greatest historical thinker of modern times, and is written in that delightfully flowing style which makes it read like a romance. In the matter of illustration, every field of human activity has been searched, and portraits, prints, maps, plans, and pictures make the pictorial features alone tell their wonderful story of the finding of the continent and growth of what is now the United States of America.” Most fortunately, President Wilson’s election came just as he finished the task, and as he had taken on no other important contracts for writing, he has been able to plunge into his new undertaking with all his energy and undivided attention.

The new course in debating, mentioned last year, is open only to upper-class members of Whig and Clio, each Hall submitting a list of twenty men, not more than ten of whom are seniors. The class works one evening each week under Professors Finley, Paul van Dyke ’81, Daniels ’88 and Covington ’92. It is splendid training.

Prof. Chen, of the chairs of English and History at Pekin University, addressed the first meeting of the Philadelphian Society last week. He talked on the political and missionary aspects of China today. There was a mass meeting of the undergraduates a day or two afterwards, at which they again pledged themselves to the support of their representative in the foreign field, Robert R. Gailey P. G. ’97, who is the General Secretary of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Tien Tsin, China.

The Northfield Conference this summer was larger and more successful than ever. There were six hundred men from the various colleges of the country, and Princeton had the third largest representation, with Yale first and Harvard second. President Wilson was the guest of honor at the Fourth of July celebration. Mr. John R. Mott, Secretary of the World’s Student Christian Federation, was chairman of the Conference and Robert E. Speer ’89 was one of the chief speakers.

This was published in the October 4, 1902 issue of PAW.

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