Reflections on Graduate Student Life

Dylon Robbins, standing in front of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros at the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, where he is conducting research for his dissertation.

Dylon Robbins, standing in front of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros at the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, where he is conducting research for his dissertation.

Courtesy of Dylon Robbins

The Alumni Weekly provides these pages to the president.


Dylon Robbins, standing in front of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros at the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, where he is conducting research for his dissertation.

Dylon Robbins, standing in front of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros at the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, where he is conducting research for his dissertation.

Courtesy of Dylon Robbins

For this issue of the Princeton Alumni Weekly, one of six that goes to all graduate alumni, I thought you might enjoy hearing from two of our current graduate students, Dylon Robbins in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures and Shin-Yi Lin in the Department of Molecular Biology. As you will see, both have made the most of their time at Princeton. — S.M.T.

Dylon Robbins

Shin-Yi Lin, surrounded by the zebrafish that promise to yield new insights into the early development of vertebrate embryos.

Shin-Yi Lin, surrounded by the zebrafish that promise to yield new insights into the early development of vertebrate embryos.

Brian Wilson

Shin-Yi Lin

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