Dr. Max Gomez ’73, a health journalist who was the chief medical correspondent at CBS New York, died at age 72 after a long illness. — CBS News
Macroeconomist Douglas Elmendorf ’83 plans to step down as dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School next summer.— Harvard Magazine
Author Suleika Jaouad ’10 and her husband, musician Jon Batiste, discussed a new documentary, American Symphony, about a composition Batiste was working on when Jaouad’s leukemia returned in 2022. — Variety
Watching Republican presidential candidates with isolationist leanings, Harvard professor Joseph Nye ’58 wrote in an op-ed: “Those arguing that America does not have an important national interest in helping Ukraine are wearing historical blinders.” — The Globe & Mail
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader ’55 interviewed newspaper publisher Steve McNamara ’55 about his work with the San Quentin News, a newspaper written and edited by incarcerated men at California’s San Quentin Prison. — The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Matthew Wilson ’24 criticized a Princeton orientation-week event about free speech and academic freedom, writing that ACLU director Anthony Romero ’87 associated “the value of free speech with its perceived ability to serve his progressive social agenda.” — National Review
Apple has already bought the film rights to Michael Lewis ’82’s book due out in October — Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon — about cryptocurrency mogul Sam Bankman-Fried. — Bay Area News Group
In an op-ed, Council on Foreign Relations president Michael Froman ’85 said the G20 isn’t as effective as it once was, having missed “opportunities to tackle critical global challenges, such as the pandemic and climate change.” — Fortune
“He probably practiced that look, which is a traditional Trump look. It’s almost the same face as he made in his first official portrait as president. And I think you see someone who is conveying defiance, anger, the idea that he’s going to fight. He looks like he’s about to head-butt the camera. And for his base, that is the man they know.”
— New York Times senior fashion critic Vanessa Friedman ’89, discussing former President Donald Trump’s mugshot. — NPR
Author and media theorist Douglas Rushkoff ’83 said that because artificial intelligence is modeling its behavior on that of humans, “the only way to raise good AIs is for us to start acting good ourselves.” — Time Magazine
Boston College law professor Cathleen Kaveny ’84 is joining a new international pilot project on Global Ethics and Social Trust, where scholars will “seek to foster ethical knowledge and ethical practices about urgent global issues.” — Boston College Law Magazine
Reviewing a new biography, Villanova religion professor Vincent Lloyd ’03 discussed the many ways we misremember Martin Luther King Jr., including the role his Christianity played in his messages. — Commonweal Magazine
Screenwriter Craig Mazin ’92 said he was surprised when Disney bought his “too weird” reboot of Pirates of the Caribbean. — Deadline
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