Two student groups created “THE WALL,” above, to call attention to Israel’s separation barrier and the U.S.-Mexico border fence (illustrated on the other side of the structure). The Princeton Committee on Palestine and the Princeton DREAM Team, an immigration advocacy group, sponsored the wall, which stood between McCosh Hall and Frist Campus Center for a week in February.
Princeton received a record 29,313 APPLICATIONS for the Class of 2020, up 7.4 percent from last year. In December the University admitted 785 students through its early-action program, accepting more women (51 percent of those admitted) than men for the first time.
This year Ivy became the fifth eating club to participate in the MULTI-CLUB BICKER system, which allows students to bicker two clubs at the same time by ranking their first and second choices. Tower Club is now the only single-bicker club.
Twenty-two faculty members, postdocs, and graduate students signed a letter protesting a Feb. 23 lecture by former Colombian president ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ, saying that the Woodrow Wilson School had announced the talk “in a way that overlooks [his] government’s abuses of human rights and the weakening of the democratic process.”
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