In Short

Published Dec. 28, 2016

Researchers, policymakers, and government officials will gather in Berlin March 20–21 to discuss topics such as privacy and human rights, regulation, security, and access to information as part of the fourth PRINCETON-FUNG GLOBAL FORUM, “Society 3.0+: Can Liberty Survive the Digital Age?” Alumni and faculty will be among the speakers from academia, government agencies, and the media.

Vincent Cerf, who holds the title of vice president and chief internet evangelist at Google, will give a keynote address on the past, present, and future of the internet. Cerf and Robert Kahn *64 — widely known as the fathers of the internet — designed the TCP/IP internet protocols and internet architecture. Other conference speakers include Brad Smith ’81, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer; and Neelie Kroes, a former EU commissioner who oversaw Europe’s digital agenda.

For information about the conference, which is open to the public, go to

The Princeton University ATHENS CENTER opened its doors in November to University students and scholars in Greece. The center includes conference facilities, seminar rooms, offices, and study space. The Athens Center is part of the Seeger Center for Hellenistic Studies, which supports more than 100 Princetonians for study and research in Greece each year.


Courtesy of Anne Holton ’80

ANNE HOLTON ’80, a former Legal Aid Society lawyer and state education official in Virginia, will be the speaker at the June 4 Baccalaureate ceremony. Holton is the wife of Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate last year.

PETER SINGER, professor of bioethics, received Philosophy Now’s annual award for “Contributions in the Fight Against Stupidity,” which recognizes an individual for “promoting knowledge, reason, or public debate about issues that matter.”

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