Students participating in Princeton’s BRIDGE-YEAR PROGRAM will have the opportunity to spend nine months in Indonesia during the 2017–18 academic year. The site will be offered in addition to the existing bridge-year locations in Bolivia, China, India, and Senegal. The program, which is tuition-free, allows up to 35 incoming freshmen to defer their enrollment for a year and perform community service abroad.
Princeton joined with 30 other colleges and universities in filing a friend-of-the-court brief March 31 challenging the Trump administration’s March 6 revised EXECUTIVE ORDER ON IMMIGRATION.
Politics professor Robert George and professor emeritus Cornel West *80 PUBLISHED A STATEMENT March 14 in support of “truth seeking, democracy, and freedom of thought and expression.” The statement, which garnered more than 2,000 signatures as of early April, was released in the aftermath of an incident at Middlebury College in which students prevented The Bell Curve co-author Charles Murray, a conservative political scientist, from speaking.
The Graduate Student Government last month released the findings from its GRADUATE HOUSING PROJECT, a survey evaluating graduate students’ satisfaction with on-campus housing. More than half of all graduate students took the survey, which found support for offering housing for students’ entire time at Princeton, revising the system for receiving and retaining housing, and partnering with nearby apartment complexes to obtain reduced rent.
President Eisgruber ’83 sent a LETTER OF SUPPORT April 1 to the head of Central European University in Budapest as the Hungarian Parliament was preparing to adopt legislation that could force the school to close. Eisgruber termed the legislation “an unconscionable attack upon academic freedom.” He said he had co-directed a Princeton/CEU project on international human rights, and many Princeton faculty members have worked closely with CEU. The school was founded in 1991 by George Soros and has American and Hungarian accreditation.
Seniors Destiny Crockett and Nicolas Trad have received REACHOUT 56-81-06 FELLOWSHIPS, sponsored by the Classes of 1956, 1981, and 2006 for yearlong public-service projects.
Crockett, an English major with certificates in African American studies and gender and sexuality, will work with Girls for Gender Equity NYC to put together a black feminist reading series for African American middle- and high-school girls.
Her reading series is targeted at girls from low-income schools with high rates of suspensions and arrests, and is designed to improve the girls’ critical-thinking skills and develop self-confidence. Crockett has worked as a tutor for elementary-school students, interned at the Carl Fields Center, and done research as a fellow at the Schomburg- Mellon Humanities Summer Institute. She has been involved in student organizations focused on social justice and women’s rights.
Trad will join Zithulele Hospital in South Africa to address medication shortages with mobile technology. A Woodrow Wilson School major with a certificate in global health and health policy, he will work to implement mobile technologies to track the stock and flow of medications to better predict the need for drugs in the hospital’s clinics. Trad received Princeton’s Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence in 2016 and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society. He has been a research intern at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and a global-health fellow for Unite for Sight, a nonprofit that works to promote eye health.