The 2020–21 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN raised more than $68.6 million, the third-highest total in the University’s history. The 25th-reunion Class of 1996 led the way, raising $9.7 million, followed by the 50th-reunion Class of 1971, which donated $4 million. The Class of 1956 broke the record for a 65th-reunion class, raising nearly $2.2 million. For the fourth consecutive year, the Class of 1992 raised the highest total among non-major-reunion classes ($1.1 million), while the Class of 1963 again led participation, with 75.2 percent of class members contributing. Graduate alumni set a record, contributing $2.4 million to the campaign.
With 49.6 percent of undergraduate alumni making donations, the participation rate rebounded after dipping to 47.8 percent in 2019–20, a year in which Annual Giving suspended solicitations for nearly three months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Participation still lagged behind the 55.4-percent rate reported in 2018–19.
In July, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed LAURA WOOTEN’S LAW, requiring the state’s middle schools to teach civics and provide “the knowledge and skills for active citizenship.” Wooten, a former member of Princeton’s dining services staff who died in 2019 at age 98, was the longest-serving poll worker in the United States.
The University has partnered with the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (NJEFA) to expand its investments with DIVERSE ASSET MANAGERS. In April, Princeton issued about $430 million in bonds through NJEFA, the largest transaction in the facilities authority’s history. Ramirez Asset Management of New York was selected to manage “a substantial share of the bond proceeds,” with PFM Asset Management investing the balance, according to a University news release.
The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) joined with the 16 other U.S. national laboratories and more than a dozen scientific publishers to announce their support for accommodating NAME-CHANGE REQUESTS FROM RESEARCHERS on past papers. The agreement was made to remove some of the administrative barriers that transgender researchers face. “This partnership will guarantee that our scientists own their research identity throughout their careers, as is surely their right,” PPPL Director Steve Cowley *85 said in a news release.
Chemical and biological engineering professor LYNN LOO *01 stepped down as director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment to become the first CEO of the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, based in Singapore. Loo is taking a two-year leave from Princeton, according to an Andlinger Center news release. Electrical and computer engineering professor Claire Gmachl will serve as the center’s interim director.
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