Sports Shorts

Less than two months after leading the Tigers to their first Ivy title and NCAA tournament bid in nine years, WOMEN’S TENNIS COACH KATHY SELL announced that she is leaving Princeton to be closer to her boyfriend and family in North Carolina.

“On a personal level, I am ready to move forward with my life,” Sell said in a statement. “Princeton has afforded me an excellent coaching education and incredible relationships with student-athletes who I will continue to follow and support.”

Sell had a 63–41 record in her five years at Princeton. A search for her successor was to begin immediately.

PRINCETON CYCLING star Nick Frey ’09, right, dominated the Division II road race at the USA Cycling Collegiate National Championships in Fort Collins, Colo., May 8, finishing 4:22 ahead of his nearest challenger. Frey also helped the Tigers’ three-man squad finish second in the team time trial.

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