Teach for America member in Colorado Springs. Runs a cultural-exchange program with the Queen Noor [’73] secondary school for girls in Amman, Jordan. Princeton major: Near Eastern studies.
What she does: Last year Scott taught sixth-grade math to students who needed remedial instruction. This year she is teaching math to 11th-graders.
Why she joined TFA: “I was part of the free-lunch program and attended some low-income schools and was blessed to have a hand- ful of teachers to inspire me. ... I am extremely grateful for my essentially free Princeton education, and participating in Teach for America has been a way to give back.”
Cultural exchange: Last year she ran a “School-2-School” program, teaching students in an after-school club about Jordan and helping them raise funds for a Smartboard for the Queen Noor School. Scott is continuing the program with her district’s high school this year.
Most challenging: Motivating her sixth-graders “to participate and dare to try their best in a subject they traditionally have failed in.”
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