On the Campus Supernova video See a digital video re-creation of the supernova explosion: The animation shows an artist's rendering of the shock wave discovered by Princeton University's Alicia Soderberg and a team of scientists. A supernova is born when the core of a massive star (the blue orb) runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity to form an ultradense object known as a neutron star. The shock wave erupts and ripples through the star, emitting X-rays (seen here as bright white light). The remnants of the explosion cool (the white light gets smaller), and then the visual light from the supernova glows (seen as yellow clouds). The fading white dot in the middle of the animation represents a newly born neutron star. Courtesy NASA/Swift/Skyworks Digital/Dana Berry Click here for the animation. 0 Responses Join the conversation Name Email Princeton affiliation - Select -AlumniFacultyStaffStudentCommunity MemberNon-alumni Response Plain text Full name and Princeton affiliation (if applicable) are required for all published comments. For more information, view our commenting policy. Responses are limited to 500 words for online and 250 words for print consideration. The Latest See all Administration Tsurkov Family Has Renewed Hope Two Years After Kidnapping Sports Princeton Women’s Squash Vies for National Title Administration Israel Divestment Gets Thumbs Down from Princeton Resources Committee Sports Attackman Coulter Mackesy ’25 Leads Tigers’ Impressive Start Alumni Judge Dale Ho ’99 to Decide Eric Adams Case Related News Rally ’Round the Cannon Rally ’Round the Cannon: Hooray for Hollywood I always told Hitch that it would have been better to put seats around the… 1 Response On the Campus In Memoriam: Paul Benacerraf ’52 *60, Anson G. Rabinbach Paul Benacerraf ’52 *60, who taught at the University for more than four decades and… Student Dispatch Earlier Start in Finance, Consulting Puts Pressure on Job-Hunting Undergrads Daniel Wang ’26 wanted to pursue a career in investment banking and private equity, so…
Rally ’Round the Cannon Rally ’Round the Cannon: Hooray for Hollywood I always told Hitch that it would have been better to put seats around the… 1 Response
On the Campus In Memoriam: Paul Benacerraf ’52 *60, Anson G. Rabinbach Paul Benacerraf ’52 *60, who taught at the University for more than four decades and…
Student Dispatch Earlier Start in Finance, Consulting Puts Pressure on Job-Hunting Undergrads Daniel Wang ’26 wanted to pursue a career in investment banking and private equity, so…
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