Tiger of the Week: Henry H. Kennedy Jr. ’70



In a week dominated by elections for executive and legislative offices, our Tiger of the Week comes the judicial branch. On Oct. 31, U.S. District Court Judge Henry H. Kennedy Jr. ’70 made headlines by ordering the Justice Department to produce memorandums from the White House legal counsel's office that describe and outline the legal justification for the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping program. (The Justice Department has argued that the memorandums are protected attorney-client communications.) For Kennedy, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1997, this is the latest in a list of difficult cases, from the Elian Gonzalez custody dispute in 2000 to the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes last year. But Princetonians may know him better as a former University trustee and the oldest sibling in an accomplished legal family that includes brother Randall Kennedy ’77, an author and Harvard Law professor, and sister Angela Acree ’85, a D.C. lawyer. (Photo by Beverly Rezneck/Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts)

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