Tiger of the Week: Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri '01

As an undergraduate, Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri ’01 enjoyed a glimpse of fame beyond campus when she was named one of Glamour magazine's Top Ten College Women -- an honor that recognized her creation of a literacy center and library in Ranaghat, India. But in her professional life, the former model has spent more time on the other side of the camera, working with partner Markus Klinko to establish a reputation as a top celebrity and fashion photographer. The duo's photos have been featured in glossy magazines and on album covers for David Bowie and Beyoncé.

This week, Pal-Chaudhuri -- who has gained single-name fame as "Indrani" in fashion circles -- received her share of the spotlight with the debut of Double Exposure, a Bravo television series that goes behind the scenes with Pal-Chaudhuri, Klinko, and celebrity stylist GK Reid. The first episode featured a photo shoot with the rapper and actress Eve and focused on the logistics and give-and-take involved in capturing magazine-quality images.

Pal-Chaudhuri, an anthropology major at Princeton whose thesis was titled "In Pursuit of Happiness: Desire in Hinduism's Vedanta Philosophy and Practice," hopes to use her reality-TV popularity to make a splash in the publishing world. She's written a book about "re-creating yourself and your relationships through developing your image into a powerful representation of your higher self." The working title is Image Craft.

(Photo courtesy PicApp.com)

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