Tiger of the Week: Monica Dweck ’76



When she was a child, Monica Dweck ’76 wanted to be a doctor because she wanted to help people. Today, as a leading oculoplastic surgeon, Dweck continues to pursue that goal, performing facial reconstruction for patients who have serious eye injuries, including many who are uninsured or underinsured. WPIX-TV in New York City profiled the Brooklyn doctor last week.

Oculoplastic surgery is a small but important a sub-specialty, said Dweck, who created the oculoplastic surgery curriculum for the ophthalmology residency program at SUNY Downstate Medical Center. Each surgery requires precision and an approach tailored to the unique anatomy of the patient's eye. Dweck told PAW that she sees it as an opportunity to be "artistic and creative in a scientific way."

Surgery also offers a chance to change lives by helping disfigured patients face the world again. Dweck, who completed her fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic, spent time in private practice before returning home to work and teach at SUNY Downstate. She said that while her choice may have had something to do with the informal motto "Princeton in the nation's service," it really was rooted in advice that her parents gave her: "If we have skills or a special talent, then we should share that with others."

(Photo courtesy Monica Dweck ’76)

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